Mino Raiola’s Live interview

Mino Raiola had a live interview with several media representatives explaining the reasons why Donnarumma rejected Milan renewal. According to his request the interview will be aired at midnight.
It was first announced as a press conference directly from Montecarlo but it turned out to be a live interview with the major Italian media: Sky Sport, Premium Sport and Rai Sport. Mino Raiola had promised to explain why Donnarumma and he decided to reject the renewal.
Fassone and Mirabelli offered the 18 year old goalkeeper the chance to become AC Milan’s highest earner with a contract of 5 million euros net per season. A considerable increase from the initial offer of 3-3,5 million euros. To everyone’s surprise the player with the support (and influence?) of his agent refused to sign a new contract leaving the rossoneri facing a great dilemma. Sell him immediately or risk losing him for free after one year. PSG and Real Madrid are the most interested clubs for his services and an offer around 40-50 million euros is expected by both teams.
The interview was expected to start at 17:00 but it started one hour latter. Mino Raiola has requested for it to be fully transmitted at midnight because Donnarumma is playing in Euro U21 with Italy today and should be left calm ahead of the opening match.

Rai’s journalist Mazzocchi has anticipated via Twitter some strong accusations and revelations by Raiola. He explains why negotiations broke down with Milan and why Donnarumma decided to refuse the rossoneri’s offer. He has raised strong accusations about a person in particular (believed to be Mirabelli). Currently the journalists are trying to contact Milan’s management to get their side of the story. Stay tuned.
Pare Raiola abbia richiesto l'embargo della propria intervista fino a mezzanotte. Di solito si fa quando ci sono anche quotidiani coinvolti
— Tancredi Palmeri (@tancredipalmeri) June 18, 2017
Stasera a @DSportiva #Raiola spiega la rottura col Milan per #Donnarumma.
Lavoriamo per avere anche la versione @acmilan.— Marco Mazzocchi No War (@officialmaz) June 18, 2017
Stiamo contattando il @acmilan perché #Raiola ha fatto accuse precise, in particolare verso una persona. Non posso dire di più.
— Marco Mazzocchi No War (@officialmaz) June 18, 2017